Category "Internasional"

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    How the INDIGENOUS DAYAK People will survive this kind development?

    Site Event Statement,  Introduction My name is Fr Sani Lake. I am director of the JPIC Kalimantan based in Central Kalimantan province, INDONESIA. We, the JPIC Kalimantan, are working together with Indigenous Dayak communities in Central of Kalimantan, INDONESIA who are facing difficult and being discriminated by Indonesian government DEVELOPMENT project, especially palm oil project and mining. The problem Today, we are speaking on behalf of the indigenous Dayak people who we work for. We have experience, that . . .

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    Integral ecology as a new paradigm of justice

    This review of Chapter 4 of Laudato Si’ is combined from several excellent discussion guides, those of the Columbans, the Franciscans, USCCB, Jesuit Fr. Thomas Reese, and other NCR commenters. The heart of what the Encyclical proposes is integral ecology as a new paradigm of justice; an ecology “which respects our unique place as human beings in this world and our relationship to our surroundings” (15).  Ecology is the relationship of living organisms and the environment: “Everything is closely . . .

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      Bagaimana anak-anak asli Dayak ini bisa menari di atas tanah leluhur? Seperti apa mereka dengan riang hati merayakan kehidupannya dalam suasana adil dan damai dalam keutuhan ciptaan di sekitarnya? Mereka hanya sanggup hidup ketika semua aman. Saat alam nyaman. Bilamana segala unsur alam pun bernafas bebas dan bahagia menghibur satu sama lain. Dalam tarian alam (ballare di natura) yang tak tergantikan nilainya. Dalam syair indah (bella poesia) oleh kicauan burung (canzone dei pizolini) dan gesekan dedaunan oleh terpaan . . .

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